January 26, 2009

songs that really speak to your heart

So I don't have a lot to say today. I just have two really great songs that have really helped and encouraged me so I hope they will be a blessing to you.

Bow the Knee
verse 1:
There are moments on our journey following the Lord
Where God illumines ev’ry step we take.
There are times when circumstances make perfect sense to us,
As we try to understand each move He makes.
When the path grows dim and our questions have no answers, turn to Him.
Bow the knee; Trust the heart of your
Father when the answer goes beyond what you can see.
Bow the knee;
Lift your eyes toward heaven and believe the One who holds eternity.
And when you don’t understand the purpose of His plan,
In the presence of the King, bow the knee.
verse 2:
There are days when clouds surround us, and the rain begins to fall,
The cold and lonely winds won’t cease to blow.
And there seems to be no reason for the suffering we feel;
We are tempted to believe God does not know.
When the storms arise, don’t forget we live by faith and not by sight.
Made To Worship
verse 1:
Before the day
Before the light
Before the world revolved around the sun
God on high
Stepped down into time
And wrote the story of His love for everyone
He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember
You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
When you and I embrace surrender
When you and I choose to believe
Then you and I will see who we were meant to be
verse 2:
All we are
And all we have
Is all a gift from God that we receive
Brought to life
We open up our eyes
To see the majesty and glory of the King
He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember
Even the rocks cry out
Even the heavens shout
At the sound of His Holy name
So let every voice sing out
Let every knee bow down
He is worthy of all our praise

January 23, 2009

A Verse to Ponder

Today's verse is ~Philippians 4:13~

I can do all things
through Christ
which strengtheneth me.
~Philippians 4:13~

Quote of the Day

Here is the NUMB3RS quote for today:

Amita Ramanujan: Charlie, where did you learn all this stuff about assassination?
Charlie Eppes: If I told you that I'd have to kill you.
Amita Ramanujan: Okay, seriously.
Charlie Eppes: Seriously.
Ok so today was really a pretty good day. Classes went well I guess. I only had three classes today, so it wasn't incredibly bad. I really like my schedule because I am done with classes by 12:15p.m. every day. Some days I am done a little earlier but for the most part that is it. I took a nap today after class, and I slept for an hour and a half. You might say that's good but I woke-up at 2:30p.m. and that is when I am suppose to start work. Thank goodness I did not have far to go. I clean the first floor of my dorm and live on the second floor for those of you who don't know.

This is one of my favorite pictures. I took it last fall when my parents and I went to IA to visit friends and to get my sister from college. My friends live on a farm and it is always great fun to go and visit. When I go there I think of it as a vacation but I usually don't get caught up on extra sleep or anything. The family has five boys and they always want to play. So when I am there we ride four wheelers and do chores and all kinds of stuff that I never did before going there. I don't always come back rested but I have plenty of memories to keep me till the next time I go.

January 22, 2009

A Verse to Ponder

Today's verse comes from Psalms 55, it is verse 22 which says:

Cast thy burden upon
the LORD, and he shall
sustain thee: he shall
never suffer the righteous
to be moved.

Quote of the Day

Today's quote comes from the tv show NUMB3RS:

Edgerton:(Reguarding one of Charlie's equations) "Anyone else following this?"

Colby: "Just nod your head and wait for the punch line."

If you don't watch numbers you most likely won't understand it. For those of you who watch can lean back in your chair and laugh...but not to loud or those around you will think you have really lost it. Just remember that we all use numb3rs every day.

January 22, 2009

Ok, so I have never done this before so please bare with me. So, my name is Katie and I am going to try to record what I do here. Anyway, as a college student I can get pretty busy but so far this semester it has not gotten to bad. I am excited about visiting some friends over spring break which is kinda far off yet. But hey! who says you can't get excited about such things. So here at college it has taken me about two weeks out of last semester to find a fun and good "circle"of friends. We have so much fun together. and this semester is even better 'cuz our schedules are so that we can spend some more time together. No guys yet though. But I am praying that God will bring the right one along at the right time. I am trusting in Him to know what is best for me.